Pidato Tentang Ulangan Semester

ane disuruh pidato pake bahasa internasional sama wali kelas ane, ane cuma bisa dikit nih ..
jadi isi pidato tentang bagus atau enggaknya upacara dan tentang menghadapi ulum semester genap. help me ya om

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Good day to all.

i respect to head principal, i respect to vice principal, i respect to teacher also all staff and my


other classes at other times using the local language but not for me, so keep international language
A sunny day this could hopefully be the start of our lives all the more clearer as well.

[1.1]first of all, i think this ceremony is so bad because there is some mistakes. maybe next time we will fix it

[1.2]first of all, i think this ceremony is not bad and not really good too.

[2]second, we will soon take an exam. so, dont waste your time to do any stupid thing. keep study hard from now and I hope we can go up to the next level

[3]the final word. thank you for giving me speaking here, and sorry if there are mistakes. god bless to us.

wasalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

please correct me if im wrong !

[1.1] itu di ucapkan bila upacara berjalan buruk atau ada kesalahan.
[1.2] itu di ucapkan bila upacara berjalan bagus atau tidak ada kesalahan.

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