what is a ddos attack/ping flooding attack ?

ddos attack or ping flooding attack is basically sending large and continuous ICMP (Internet control message protocol) echo packets to a target host and wait for the icmp reply message. Now what this does is, it floods the target host with large data segments and if ICMP service is not disabled by the target host then it will send the ICMP echo reply message (that's what an attacker wants to accomplish).

So if you want to try it out just use the following variation of the ping command:-

ping -t -l [buffer_size] "target_ipaddress"

The options:-

-t for repeated sending of icmp echo messages.

-l [buffer size] : the size of packet to be sent from[0 to 65500]

target_ipaddress : the host address you want to ping to

you can always stop the ping command like any other command by pressing ctrl+c (for windows) combination that kills the process.

For the attack to be more effective tell some of your friends a group of 10-20 people to join you and ping together an ip address.

For example:

ping -l 34567 -t

the output will be like the following image :-

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