Yahoo Imap-Jammer

This is an example i did today which took around 5 minutes as i was bored.
This connects to yahoos imap servers and authenticates a username and password and saves the username/pass, Please note this could be used for cracking yahoo accounts as its a very handy method.
I have not seen one of these done yet so i thought i would share this little projects
Target Users:Rippers, N00bs.Image:
[Image: 66265827.jpg]
try this one
This could also be used to check mail count.
I might do one in Ruby for those who are keen.

No on keen on using this for cracking?
I ran 2000 + names and i didnt get banned at all, normally after 50 bad attempts you get temp banned on that server. This could be done for the best cracking you could ask for because you dont need proxies and dont get banned.
If you dont understand the IMAP protocol then google it. Yahoo doesnt use the default protocol but a slight variant.

So quick screen shot
[Image: 47882127.jpg]

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