Mybb.Com Di hacked

Aduh Gan parah nih di hack -_-"

JoshTheGod (Arya Ebrahimi), MrOsama (Justin Martin), Cosmo (Alex Irvin) & CyberZeist (Thomas Ryan)

sama itu

Gimana nih nasib nya web yang memakai Engine MYBB  juga pake engine MYBB kan

UGNazi hackers have taken credit for breaching, the website of the free, open source, bulletin board. The site’s administrators have confirmed the hack and immediately acted on taking down the website.

“Last night our domain name and hosting accounts were compromised by hackers. Users of MyBB should not be concerned about their own installations. There is nothing to indicate the MyBB software itself contributed to the hacking in any way,” the website’s owners wrote.

“We hope to restore access to all services in the next 12 - 24 hours. At this stage we don't believe our database was compromised, however we recommend users stay vigilant to unauthorized access of their accounts.”

Cosmo, the hacker who was allegedly taken into custody by authorities for his involvement in the WHMCS breach, posted a tweet a couple of hours ago claiming that they still had “full access” to the website.

Even though MyBB representatives stated that the database wasn’t compromised, the hacktivist wrote that they would make it public in the upcoming hours.

In the past few weeks, many criticized the hacktivist collective for attacking sites for the wrong reasons and their statement regarding this particular breach also seems like one that would raise a lot of controversy.

“MyBB has a relatively low-risk security record. Personal information needs to be secure. If we can acces it, so can terrorists. The truth is buried under lies and false promises. We tried to bring the truth to light, and we were ignored,” UGNazi said.

“’’ uses the forum software MyBB, We are tired of all the skids who claim they are hackers,” they explained.

Judging by the statement, the bulletin board wasn’t targeted only because its administrators failed to keep users safe, but also because of a personal conflict between UGNazi and the owner of, an individual the hackers call Jesse Labrocca.

Currently, is down, but according to the hackers, it was initially altered to redirect visitors to the website.

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